Egor Vikturov
VR Developer/Game Designer
About Me
I'm a VR developer, programming since 2020, doing game development since 2022. I am responsible, punctual, achieve goals even if they seem impossible, quickly establish contacts with people. Easy to learn new skills.
I am convinced that immersion is important for a good game. I also write my own music for my projects and like to experiment during development.
MIET - Automation Engineer 2021-2025
Unity Mobile AR Development
Unity VR Development
Unity Creative Core
Unity Junior Programmer
  • Unity
  • XR Interaction Toolkit
  • Blender
  • Git
  • English
  • Russian
Game Experience
I've played both big PC releases like GTA, Cyberpunk, The Witcher, etc. As well as small releases like Half Sword, Ultrakill, Dusk, BeamNG.Drive, Red Alert. I also played mobile games, indie games with different mechanics, and adapted games like Half Life Xash. But my favorite VR games are Medieval Dynasty, SuperHot, Accounting Plus, Floor Plan 1 and 2, The Fisherman Tale 1 and 2, To The Top, Car Parking Simulator, Demeo, Blade And Sorcery, FNAF, Face To Fears, Half Life 1 and 2 VR mod, and of course Half-Life Alyx, Asgard's Wrath 2, Boneworks, Bonelab, Bontractors, Pavlov, Onward, and H3VR.
  • Music
  • Games
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